Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Rhoades Reunion - Part III

Sunday morning we had church.  The place where our reunion was had a tabernacle that was more than big enough for our family.

After church we had a quick snack of mostly leftovers.  That ended up being a super good idea, as we got rid of many leftovers.  We chose not to have a "real meal" then so everyone could be in church and not have to be preparing lunch.  Instead we had an early dinner at 4:00.

In the afternoon we had a time for Rhoades history that my Dad shared with us.

In the evening we had an ice cream social and then later a time of singing.  Because of the super hot weather we had that weekend, no campfires were allowed.  When all was said and done, I was glad of it, that we didn't have to go home with that smell on everything!!

One of the highlights of the reunion was when the kids heard the tractor running!  If you heard the tractor running, you came running, too!  That meant it was time for rides.  Dan provided the tractor and some of his boys took turns driving it.

My two little boys liked the tractor like this.  They were petrified of it running and didn't want any part in the rides!

Load up . . . see how many people we can crowd on there at a time!!

Clara had made "Grandma Bucks" for us older family to buy (more fundraising).  The plan was we'd buy them for $1 and that's how much it was worth at the store.  They were meant to be given to kids who we saw doing extra work, picking up garbage, etc.  In the end I'm not so sure they were used so much for that, but they still raised a bunch of money.  I ended up using a bunch of mine as prizes for our gunny sack races.

A few fun pictures Sunday night.  Dad and the kids who were still there (a couple left early).

Dad and I

Dad and the boys.

Bridger and I.

And one final picture of my sweetie and I.

Monday morning was time for clean up!!  Besides our own cabins/rooms, each family was put in charge of cleaning up something.  And then, after 4 days of fun, it was time to go home!!!  I think everyone had a great time and we'd like to plan one again in 4 years!

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