Friday, September 6, 2013

All About Applesauce

A little over a month ago I made applesauce.  We got transparent apples from my sister and I think they make the BEST applesauce:)  It comes out so juicy . . . in fact I don't use all the juice or it's too juicy!  A few years ago I got some kind of small green apple and the applesauce turned out so dry that it tasted kind of pastey.  No one liked it so I still have some left . . . and I always have to mix it with my juicier applesauce.

We ended up getting 7 boxes of apples . . . so I won't feel the need to make it again for at least 2 years.  Most of them were quite small, but I got lots, so that's ok:)

I use one of these apple corer things to get my apples ready.  I just wash them and then cut them.  I know on the really small ones it seemed like more was going to the compost pile than I was saving, but that's ok.  It was fast!

I use a juicer to soften my apples.  No worrying about scorching the apples!!  I pile the juicer high and leave them to cook.

When they are all cooked and really soft, I start to make my sauce.

I use a Foley Food Mill to make my applesauce.  After turning and turning the handle, I just have apple peelings left and I clean that out before adding more soft apples.

I add lots of sugar and some cinnamon to the applesauce.

After stirring, it's all done!  A big pot of applesauce ready to be dumped into jars.

I made 62 quarts, 19 pints and 7 half pints.  I was running out of quarts and decided to make some smaller jars to give away.

And now we have applesauce for a long while.  We really love it with roast and ham, but sometimes I think to put it out if we're having a pretty simple meal . . . something else to add to it.


  1. Such a good idea to cook them in a juicer; I would've never thought of it! Look nummy!

  2. Never too much applesauce! I was making some and thinking that last year I was making applesauce, and Mom called me, and she had made some that day, too! Ihope I'm still cooking appplesauce in my eightys!
